Become an expert in reading and explaining personality profiles!
Have you been in situations where you couldn't offer a clear feedback on your client's graphs?
Would you like to become more confident in interpreting complex graphs?
Would you like to assimilate the proper language used by one of the best persolog master-trainers?
With this online training persolog offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge regarding graph interpretation independently of time and place. As a trainer, coach or recruiter, it is essential to draw the right conclusions when you get confronted with difficult graphs. After this course, you’ll immediately recognize what behavioral tendencies stand behind any graph. You will know which aspects you should pay attention to and which questions you should ask if someone cannot identify with his graph. You can start WHENEVER you want!
Paul has been active as a trainer and coach since 1987 in the field of Management Development programs and strategic advice. As a consultant, he works in the Netherlands both in business and in health care. He is co-owner and director of persolog Nederland since 2001.
Dátum | Város | Ár | |
01.04.2025 | Online | 250 EUR* | |
01.08.2025 | Online | 250 EUR* | |
01.12.2025 | Online | 250 EUR* |
A kurzus minden tekintetben hasznos, nagyon érdekes volt. Remek támogató anyagokat kaptam. A feladatok valóban nagyon nehezek voltak, éppen ezért segítenek a nehéz (és nem nehéz) grafikonok helyes értelmezésében. A tanultakat már másnap a gyakorlatba tudtam ültetni, nagyon pozitív visszajelzéseket kaptam a tréningek résztvevőitől. Ami az igazi „AHA” élmény volt: Most állt össze a történik valami, érzékelem valahogy, feldolgozom valahogy, reagálok rá VALAHOGY keretrendszer és ennek fontossága. Komoly értéke még hogy bármikor elővehetem, visszanézhetem az anyagokat. Ezt meg is teszem majdnem minden nap.
Ész Attila
After completing the online course ”How to interpret difficult graphs”, I can say that I am profoundly impressed with the quality of the product. The course is built in line with the new learning standards for e-learning, and the content is by far exceptional. Last but not least, Paul Donders does an extraordinary job as a trainer! I found here the validations and clarifications of which I felt that I needed to be up to date, but I didn't know how to formulate them and I feel like I have now gained another level of understanding and confidence. Why would I recommend this course to the persolog certified trainers? Because all of us, the certified trainers, we find here the concrete information and the content that completes what we already have from the certification program. I think that it is a quick and elegant way to make agile interpretation of the profiles, a method of which we can master the understanding and the delivery of the personality model to another level.
Marian Stirbescu
CEO & Senior Trainer - Axioma Solutions
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